Design Presentation

Hello: Developer Search Engine Interface


Alara Kalfazade

Grace Chen

Haruka Masamura

Zeynep Aydın


Researcher & Designer


October 2022 (3 weeks)


In this project, I redesigned an interactive interface for startup "Hello", a search engine that is optimized for developers and technical questions. I created a prototype tailored to streamline technical inquiries, redefining the search experience for developers. I went through the full process of mocking up a solution to the startup's concept.

Hello is a search engine that is optimized for developers and technical questions. It answers questions with simple explanations and code snippets from the web instantly. Hello uses AI language models to quickly generate answers based on multiple resources.


Pre-design Thinking

The intended audience of hello consists of developers and computer science students/ professionals. They can use hello to receive fast answers to their technical questions. Because of the coding nature of the startup, we chose to design a desktop interface. Using this as a jumping-off point, we had discussions to decide which features would be the most beneficial for our website.

The following were concluded:

  • The website should include a split screen including both 'hello' answers, and the web results. This would provide all the necessary tools and resources for developers.
  • The user should be able to switch between 'hello' answers and the web results.
  • There should be an option to filter for programming languages as it would bring the most relevant results for the developer.

Combining Ideas into a Wireframe

To get the ideas flowing, each group member made quick hand-drawn sketches.

Wireframes Presentation

After the sketching, we came up with a new design to demonstrate the goals of the startup in the best way possible. We aimed the design to be simple, intuitive, and easy to use. Furthermore, we wanted a clean yet unique look, which separated our startup's project from other search engines available.

We used Figma to create the low-fidelity wireframe of our design.

Wireframes Presentation


Designing The First High-Fidelity Prototype

Using Figma, we created our first interactive high-fidelity prototype. While making our design, we choose a clean look with minimal distractions. The chosen fonts reflect the startup's technical nature. We paid special attention to text hierarchy and color scheme to make our page easy to read and navigate. By using contrasting colors, such as black text on a blue background, we made the font more visible so that anyone could read the website. We chose to use icons on our website to express possible actions, such as bookmarking and history, to grab the user's attention and help the users find the content they are looking for. We made sure to use icons that the user can easily understand. We added a split screen option for users to view 'Web Answers' and 'Hello Answers', which are generated simultaneously by hello's AI algorithm.

Wireframes Presentation Wireframes Presentation


Below are some issues identified after asking for critiques to identify potential problems with the high-fidelity mockup:

  • We have to have more consistent between different display options.
  • There should be a way to go back to home page.
  • Hello's logo should always be on the page.
  • There were some problems with the text hierarchy.
  • There should be a way to bookmark answers.
  • There should be a way to see recently visited pages.
  • The split screen icon should be changed to be more explicit.

Updated High-Fidelity Frame

The following changes were made to the initial high-fi mockup after receiving feedback:

  • Added a logo, which acts like a “home” button
  • Fixed font hierarchy problems
  • Added text to the “split screen” icon to make it clearer
  • Highlighted the selected display option
  • Changed the “languages” tab to be consistent on all pages
  • Added a bookmarks (list) and search history icons
  • Changed display from “click” to “hover” to see the list of all the programming/markup languages

Hello Final Concept

Homepage and Search Bar

On the homepage, the user can start their search by clicking 'see more' and choosing a programming language from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu has different language options to choose from. Afterwards, the user can type in the question in the search bar. This would then lead them to the split screen, where the user can see both Hello's quick answers and web results.

Search Results

On the split screen, the user can view both Hello's answers and regular web results. On the 'Quick Answer' section, a short definition which answers the question asked and code snippets are given. The user can click on 'view source' button to see which resources were used when generating the quick answers. On the 'Web Results' section, the user can view further resources if they need.

Moreover, the user can switch between 'Hello Answers' and 'Web Results' when they want to see only one section at a time. The user can change the intended programming language from the drop-down menu. They can see the options by hovering their mouse over the filter.

User Testing

The Task

With a functioning and updated prototype, we wrote a task and carried out usability testing to analyze which difficulties might exist when the user interacts with the interface. We asked the users to imagine themselves as a computer science student and search for “how to implement Dijkstra's algorithm” by following some task instructions which we have given. We asked them to verbalize their thoughts throughout the testing process. We informed them that they would not be using an actual website but instead testing an interactive mockup.

Testing Instructions

The testing instructions were the following:

  • Without leaving the homepage, what are your initial impressions of the design and the functionalities available? Be specific.
  • Start your search by choosing Java as your intended language. Tell us how you selected it. Comment on the intuitivity of this step.
  • Search “How to implement Dijkstra's algorithm” by clicking the correct suggestion in the dropdown menu.
  • Scroll through the pages. Comment on the dual layout of the search results. Describe in your own words how you might benefit from using this page.
  • Navigate to “Web Answers.” Comment on the design of this page.
  • Change your display to “Hello Answers.” Describe what you expect to find on this page. Comment both on the design and benefits of this view.
  • Go to the first referenced source link.

Analysis of Results

Overall, the UserTesting results were in line with our expectations. The users didn't have difficulty in completing the tasks and found the design intuitive. The users generally understood the layout and purpose of the website just from looking at the homepage. Some thought that the split screen was effective and helpful. The users also mentioned that the answers generated by the algorithm including the quick answer and the code snippets met their expectations. They appreciated the minimal design of 'Hello Answers' page as there were no distractions. Some users mentioned that they were expecting to be a profile button on the homepage. They also added that they wished to see more languages for filtering.

Future Considerations

Based on the feedback, we would definitely give less space to the web results. It was mentioned multiple times that the main draw of the platform is the hello answers, so the web answers can be deprioritized since users can just go to Google if they wanted that.

Additionally, we could include a dropdown arrow after a language is chosen from the “see more” dropdown to show that users can change languages if they make a mistake.